There are a few ways to make kilju in a summer car. One way is to fill the car with water and drive it to a nearby river. The water will create a heat bath, which will turn the sugar into kilju. Another way is to mix 5 cups of molasses with 2 cups of water and drive it to a local refinery. The molasses will make the car run more smoothly, and the refining will give you more kilju.

Kilju is made by boiling a type of seaweed, such as kelp, in water. The boiled seaweed is then mashed and used as a dough.

Kilju takes about 2 days to brew.

There is no one definitive answer to this question. Some factors to consider include the type of kilju, the temperature at which it will be used, and the brewing method.

The drunk guy lives in your car.

There are a few ways to get a Gifu in your summer car. You can buy one from a store, or you can find one online.

Sugar wash tastes sweet and slightly sour.

Kil-ju is a Korean word that means “kettle.” The word is pronounced as /keɪˈliː/ or /kiːliː/.

There are a few ways to make alcohol. One way is to ferment cornstarch into ethanol. Another way is to use a distiller’s still.

The yeast will carbonate the water and create a sour taste.

Yes, sugar wash produces methanol.

There is no one definitive answer to this question.

There are a few ways to make sugar alcohol. One way is to use a sugar refinery to make high-quality sugar alcohols. Another way is to use an industrial process to make sugar alcohols from cornstarch and other materials.

A day in a car is about 130 kilometers.

Boat and air conditioning will quickly start to lose effectiveness while booze is in the car. The best option would be to drive home and stop drinking.

Hayosiko is a type of Japanese rice wine.