Keeping each faction happy with you is no easy task. For each question you get two answers, and no matter what you do either answer is probably going to make at least one faction mad no matter how beneficial the outcome seems to be. Medieval life is obviously very different from today.

Outlaw questions are some of the least tricky of the bunch since most of your kingdom’s subjects don’t really like the outlaw faction, but you’re going to get a good amount of curveball results as you will with any other.

I’ve given the other five factions the same treatment. You can open those guides in the following links:

Priesthood faction questions and answers Nobility faction questions and answers Commoners faction questions and answers Thinkers faction question and answers Army faction question and answers

How to use this guide

The questions below are by no means the full amount the outlaws throw at you in in My Majesty, but are simply those I’ve gotten while I’ve started logging them. I’ve been playing for a bit now, but didn’t think to log them until recently. I’m having a good time with the game, so expect frequent updates!

Most of the questions listed here have incomplete results with only one answer’s results logged. The amount of questions and recorded answers and results will increase as I keep playing.

There are a ton of grammatical errors in My Majesty, and they are retained in this guide for consistence purposes.

Important words in a question are highlighted so you can scroll through and find what you need easily.


This guide will only grow as I keep playing. Check back later for more questions and answers to make your rule as benevolent (and as easy) as possible.