My Position

I was chosen to be the leader and our group decided to be named Pixel Hunters. We have written many articles each week, each person writes one per day and one person had to write two. As team leader, I have been in charge of making sure people get things done and that we do the assignments that we get to choose from each day. I also relayed any information that was given to only team leaders, which was actually rarer than I expected. 

What I’ve Learned

I have learned so much in my short time with GameSkinny. My writing skills have increased quite a bit, and I fancied myself a fairly good writer to begin with. I have gotten better and describing news events to people in my every day and writing about it in a less biased way. My leadership skills have been challenged a few times due to many factors. The input of the staff at GameSkinny has been phenomenal and they are great people who understand the industry very well. They have given excellent feedback that has really propelled my analytical writing into a new dimension.

Where I’m Headed

I plan on reapplying for the Orzhov phase as well and hope that I get in. I want to continue to grow and continue to learn more about the industry I love. I am currently enrolled at Full Sail University Online and am studying for a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing for Entertainment with the goal of writing for video games. I think that by learning more about the industry and getting my input out there it will help me in the future to write stories that I know the fans will want to play. I have one week left in the Bastion phase and I know that I’m not done learning.

If you like to write and want a great community to help you out, I recommend that you apply for Orzhov and have a blast learning every single day what you’re capable of achieving when given the right motivation.