The Main Reasons Behind the Internet Going out

It can be summed up by network congestion, wrong Wi-Fi network, outdated drivers and software and broken cables.   

Network Congestion

Network congestion refers to a reduction in quality of service. Typically, it is caused by overloaded traffic or unneeded traffic. A common example on this case is, when too many people use the same network at the same time.

Wrong Wi-Fi Network 

This case occurs when there are two unsecured Wi-Fi networks in the same location and having the same name. Therefore, your device might connect to the wrong network, which will result in frequent disconnecting and reconnecting. 

Outdated Drivers and Software

Having an outdated driver can be one of the main reasons behind the outage of the internet. Your device, when connected to the Wi-Fi, relies on the driver. If the driver became outdated, it is likely that your internet will keep dropping out.

Broken Cables 

Broken or damaged cables can also be one of the main reasons behind the outage of the internet. Many people forget to check constantly if their cables are well connected to the router or if they are working properly and that may result in having an unstable internet connection.

How can I restore my internet connection?

You can apply many fixes to restore your internet connection. For instance, you can avoid unneeded traffic, secure your network, update your drivers and software and constantly examine your cables.

Avoid Unneeded Traffic

For example, if you are in your workplace and realized that the internet connection is going out, check if any of the employees are using the Wi-Fi for reasons not related to work. Avoiding unneeded traffic can contribute not only in restoring the internet connection, but also in increasing its speed. 

Secure the Network

Make sure that you secure your network with a strong password. Having a secured network will protect it from being hacked and will protect your device from accidently connecting to a wrong network that might be available at the same location. 

Update the Drivers and Software

You should always make sure that you have an updated version of your driver and software. Having an updated driver will allow your device to handle all the latest technology employed by your service provider. Applying this step will provide you with a stable and reliable internet connection. However, it is not sufficient to update only your drivers and software but you should update your router too. It is important to make sure that your router is compatible with your Wi-Fi service.  

Check the Cables

You should always make sure that the cables are well plugged into the right ports. In addition, you should frequently check that the cables are functioning properly. If not, you need to replace them to ensure a proper internet connection. 

Does moving close to the router decrease the internet outage?

The answer is simply yes. Each wireless access point has a certain limit and thus when you move to a place that is beyond that limit, you will face an unstable internet connection. Your connection might even drop out totally, if you moved further more. That is why; you should make sure that you are sitting in a place that is included within the range of the Wi-Fi access.  

Are all the above-mentioned fixes sufficient to ensure a stable internet connection? 

The primary answer is yes. However, if the reason behind the internet outage is a problem with the internet service provider (ISP), then applying the above-mentioned fixes will not solve the issue. In this case, you can only call your internet service provider and tell them about the issue. It will be their responsibility to fix the problem in order to restore your internet connection. This is where a great customer service department plays an important role. 


In order to avoid a frequent internet outage, you should apply some beneficial steps that include securing your network, avoiding unnecessary traffic, updating your drivers and software, updating your router, checking your cables frequently and sitting close to the router. However, if you find that these fixes are not sufficient, do not be reluctant to call your internet service provider and report the problem.   

How can I protect my wireless connection?

There are three common techniques available to secure your wireless connection. These techniques can be used either independently, or collectively. They are: 

SSID broadcast preventionMAC address filteringEnabling Wi-Fi encryption (WEP&WPA)

Is a wired connection faster than a wireless connection?

Many agree that a wired connection is faster than a wireless one. The reason behind this conclusion is that the wired connection has the following preferences:

It has a lower latency (i. e. improved response/speed)It has more consistent throughput (bandwidth)It is much less prone to interferenceIt is more secureIt is the same throughput, capacity and speed (latency) at 50 or 100 meters as it is at 5 meters distance.