Dogs also have significant social value in certain cultures—to demonstrate power, wealth, or skills. Hence, it’s no surprise that the demand for these pets is huge and also that people are willing to shell out an astonishing amount of money to raise them. This article discusses some of the most highly sought-after breeds of dogs, their average market value, and why they are so popular.

Tibetan mastiffs

These dogs are native to Tibet and China. They were traditionally used for hunting because of their strength and dexterity. They have massive coats of fur to adapt to the harsh climatic conditions in that region. Their grandiose fur coupled with their lion-like appearance is a big reason for their popularity and makes them a status symbol in these regions. Considering how rare these dogs are and their purebred pedigree, they cost up to an astounding 2 million dollars. 

The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

Averaging 50,000 per pup, these dogs are popular for their sturdy disposition and strength. As the name suggests, these dogs are a hybrid of wolves and dogs. Developed by cross-breeding Carpathian grey wolves and German shepherds in an experiment conducted in Czechoslovakia in 1955, these dogs were meant for the border guard. 

Some of the features that set these dogs apart from other breeds are better night vision, olfactory sense, navigation, and less susceptibility to health issues. These characteristics, combined with their intelligence and agility, made them a fitting choice to be used as military dogs. That said, it is not easy to train these dogs. Owing to their more primitive nature, the training has to be tailor-made to fit their temperament. In 1982, the Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs were recognised as the national breed by the Czechoslovakian Breeders’ Association. 


The Samoyed dogs, nicknamed “Sammies,” are spitz-like herd dogs, originally found among the Siberian nomadic tribe also known as the Samoyedic people. The tribe used them for laborious work, such as sledging heavy loads in subzero temperatures and treated them as members of the family. In consequence, Sammies developed an innate trust for mankind and possessed a happy and loving disposition. These dogs predominantly have thick white coats that are impervious to moisture and dirt, but there can be an occasional hint of slight tan fur in their coats as well.

Their perpetually upturned mouth gives the perception that they are smiling, which gave them the nickname “Smiling Sammies”. This feature is an adaptive trait which prevents them from drooling and the formation of icicles in colder conditions. Their temperament makes them a perfect fit to be part of families, especially with kids. These pups average around $14,000 per pup.

Chow Chow

It’s an interesting name for a very fascinating breed of dog. The Chow Chow belongs to the spitz-type dog family, originating in China. The Chow Chow is believed to date back as far as the Han dynasty (206 BC-AD 221) and is found to be genetically very close to wolves. They have a square build with a thick coat, especially around their neck, forming a ruff or mane-like appearance, and a very distinct blue-black tongue. 

Chow Chows are typically calm, intelligent, alert, and affectionate towards their owners but wary of strangers. They are also notorious for being strong-willed and stubborn. Their long pedigree, prominence in royal families in history, and appearance are all factors that contribute to their immense popularity among breeders and enthusiasts. As an initial cost, a Chow Chow puppy can easily cost up to 11,000 dollars. They require extensive grooming and health screening as they are susceptible to a host of health issues.

A Black Russian terrier

Contrary to their name, the Black Russian terriers are not true terriers. This breed was developed late during the Russian Revolution by cross-breeding several breeds of dogs like Giant Schnauzer, Rottweiler, Newfoundland, and Airedale terriers. 

These dogs were developed in a programme supervised by the Russian military to create a specific breed that is strong, intelligent, docile, and possesses great instincts to defend people. The efforts and time invested in this programme contribute to the staggering cost of this breed. From its inception, it took some 20 years to create the Black Russian terrier because of the loss of many important purebred dogs that were of significance for the programme in the war-torn country. These easily fetch a cool 2,500 for a pup.

Considering the vast expanse of this realm as well as its cultural and geographical diversity, there are myriad breeds of dogs. Each of them is unique in its features, cultural values, temperament, and skills. What it ultimately boils down to is their meaning and purpose in an individual’s life, in addition to the love and loyalty that they earn from them.