The news came from an interview with Monolith Soft, translated by Gematsu.

Xenoblade Chronicles’ Future Connected epilogue takes 10-12 hours to finish, according to the game’s Director, Tetsuya Takahashi. But that’s just the main storyline. There’s side content that, if completed, could push the total playtime upwards of 20 hours. Though Takahashi didn’t say, we’re assuming that side content is related to the Nopon Rangers we reported on previously.

Takahashi also mentioned Future Connected could have been longer, had Monolith developed it as standalone DLC like Torna: The Golden Country for Xenoblade Chronicles 2. But they didn’t because it would have used up too many resources.

As it was, Monolith had three development teams: one for Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition, one for a new game, and one to work on both. What that new game might be is anyone’s guess, from Breath of the Wild 2 to that Monolith Soft medieval game teased several years back.

The original translation is over on Gematsu. Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition news as we near its May 29 release date.

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