More New Mac Specs Macbook Airs Now Come With 4Gb Ram Standard Go Up To 8Gb Update 512Gb Air Ssd Option
We are just getting the latest news on the updated MacBook Airs. We hear they start at 4GB of RAM and go up to 8GB now on the high-end. Here are three Airs we have received word on thus far: Update: We are now getting specs on the 13s: Base Model: MD223LL/A – MBA 11.6/1.7/4/64FLASH-USA Better: MD224LL/A – MBA 11.6/1.7/4/128FLASH-USA High End: MD845LL/A – MBA 11.6/2.0/8/256FLASH-USA The bolded numbers are the RAM and would be a significant (and welcome) increase over the previous models....